Thomas Ruskin, Former NYPD Detective, Speaks About Obama’s Plan to Demilitarize Police on Newsmax

Former NYPD Detective Speaks About Obama’s Plan to Demilitarize Police Departments

PART 3 – Giving your #SELFIE Away – Running and Exercise Apps that Map Your Route


While scrolling through my Facebook feeds recently – I couldn’t help but notice the amount of people sharing their running logs via various apps.

Curious by this, I kept an eye out for more posts.  A few of these friends seem to travel the same exact routes every morning to run logging the time and where they go (in mapped detail).

In last week’s post, I explained how people usually have patterns.  A work out pattern, especially one broadcasted to your online social circles, can become dangerous if you are exercising alone.

At the CMP Protective and Investigative Group we regularly use any and all social media outlets to “mine” for information.  If we know that you tend to jog at this time and place, it makes our job a little easier in terms of performing surveillance on you.

As a private investigative firm, we have no ill-will or intentions, we are simply observing you and your day and are finders of the facts.

Imagine if someone else who was monitoring you had sinister intentions, a stalker, a violent ex, maybe someone you don’t know, they now know your complete and predictable route.

Usually when you jog, you wear headphones, to tune out the world.  While it pumps you up for a great workout, you have now made yourself an easy target because you can’t hear if someone sneaks up behind you.

  • I would recommend keeping your workout routes private, especially if you are performing them alone.
  • If you feel the need to share them online, change your routes.
  • Don’t “start” your run from your home address.

Thomas Ruskin on HLN – Missing Baby Lisa Irwin 10-20-11

Thomas Ruskin, Retired NYPD Detective and President of CMP Protective & Investigative Group, discusses the missing baby case, Lisa Irwin.

Thomas Ruskin on HLN – Missing Baby Lisa Irwin 10-20-11

Thomas Ruskin, Retired NYPD Detective and President of CMP Protective & Investigative Group, discusses the missing baby case of Lisa Irwin.

Thomas Ruskin on HLN – Missing Baby Lisa Irwin – 10-24-11

Thomas Ruskin, Retired NYPD Detective and President of CMP Protective & Investigative Group, discusses the missing baby – Lisa Irwin.

Thomas Ruskin on HLN – Missing Baby Lisa Irwin – 10-26-11

Thomas Ruskin, Retired NYPD Detective and President of CMP Protective & Investigative Group, discusses the ongoing investigation into missing baby Lisa Irwin’s half brothers will be interviewed Friday by a specialist from child services.

Thomas Ruskin on Joy Behar -Missing Baby Lisa Irwin – 10-26-11

Thomas Ruskin, Retired NYPD Detective and President of CMP Protective & Investigative Group, discusses the missing baby Lisa Irwin investigation.

Thomas Ruskin on Fox News – Missing Baby Lisa Irwin – 11-2-11

Thomas Ruskin, Retired NYPD Detective and President of CMP Protective & Investigative Group, discusses the case of missing baby, Lisa Irwin, and possible investigative steps to be taken by the Kansas City police department.

Thomas Ruskin on Fox News – Missing Student Aisha Kahn – 12-21-11

Thomas Ruskin, Retired NYPD Detective and President of CMP Protective & Investigative Group, discusses the missing University of Kansas student, Aisha Kahn.